Friday, May 31, 2013

Foote Riverside Park and Overlooks -- 30 May 2013

Five of us painted – Bob VanM, Keiko, and I at Foote Riverside and Gretchen B. and Pam at the mini-parks on Montowese. Sally came by early to say she was not feeling well and would not be able to paint. Not sure how many people might have painted on the Madison Green with Jay’s group. I know that may have been more convenient for those of you to the east of Guilford. The important thing was to be out there painting somewhere. It was a beautiful morning – hot in the sun but just right in shade, with a little breeze to keep things pleasant but not blow stuff around.

Next week we switch to Tuesdays. We will be at the Neck Road Boat Ramp area in Madison. I’ll send directions. Tide will be high (but not super-high) at 9 AM and falling through the morning.

I’m hoping for Hyland House on June 11th, and we are confirmed for Flo-Gris in Old Lyme on the 18th and Essex Steam Railroad on the 25th.

If any of you were thinking about inviting the group to paint at your home, now would be a good time to get it on the calendar. Although we are committed for August 6th and 27th, the 13th and 20th are available, the month of July is open for any Tuesday, and September and October are open for any Thursday. For your planning, remember that the group has become quite large in the summer months.


Welcome to Connecticut Shoreline Artists (CTSA).
CTSA came into being when a group of us who got acquainted through watercolor classes with Joan Downey at Guilford Arts Center (GAC) decided to continue painting after classes ended. Our little family has snow-balled into a community that needs a way to keep in touch other than email. A blog seems to fit the purpose.
Although we are many, we still are small enough that we can fit comfortably in the places where we go to paint. Sometimes we might be just two -- sometimes two dozen, but not necessarily the same people every week.
Depending on weather, we paint weekly from mid-March through mid-December, ranging from the Branford River to the Connecticut River, but with Guilford as our base. Our regular painting day is Tuesday during the summer (June through August) and Thursday in the spring and fall, when some of our members will be in Tuesday classes at GAC.

 We have no formal organization – no by-laws, no dues, no officers. Our objectives are to just get out and paint together, to discipline ourselves to paint regularly, to share and learn from each other, to support each other, and to share information about painting and art events in our area. Skill level is not important. We range from absolute beginners to professionals who teach. Although we are mostly watercolorists, some of our members do oils, acrylics, dry media... We're all just plein air painters.

 We typically paint from 9 to Noon, and then have a wrap-up and photo session (finished or not). We are trying out an 8 AM start time for the summer months, which gives us better light, more possible painting time, and cooler temperatures. Occasionally, we have tried to fit in a critique session, but the critique remains very loose and informal -- dependent upon people who invite feedback about their paintings and dependent upon others who are willing to share constructive comments and guidance. In good weather, we might bring our lunch and chat while we do our wrap-up, but we do not always lunch together. If you paint at a standing easel, you might want to bring a chair to use for lunch.
Before the blog, each member would receive an email with the call to paint, with directions if needed, two or three days before the event (a bit later if the weather looks iffy). An email recap of the outing was sent within a day or two after the event. Hopefully now, instead of emails to each member, the call to paint and the recap will be posted to the blog, and members can sign up to receive an email link.
Active membership (conferred by painting with the group at least once each season) carries the privilege of exhibiting in our member shows. So far, we have just one little show planned for 2013, but that could change.

Come out and paint with us. We will look forward to panting together.