Sunday, June 16, 2013

Call to Paint -- Tuesday, 18 June, 2013 -- 8 AM --

Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme

Greetings to All,

So far, Tuesday morning is looking OK, and perhaps better earlier. We have been cleared to begin as early as 8 AM, but the museum and bathrooms do not open until 10.

In the past, the guidelines have allowed us to paint under cover, in case of light rain showers, with the proviso that we lay down drop cloths. I noted, however, that they now specifically say painters should not paint on the stone veranda. If it looks showery, however, you might want to bring a drop cloth, just in case... In any case, Cafe Flo will need to set up on the verandah in advance of their 11 AM opening time, so plan to not set up there.

Please park in the lot at the southeast side of the property. Enter at the main driveway, go by the main museum building, and then wrap all the way around the S-Curve driveway to the lot near the Chadwick Studio. You might want to drop your gear near the area where you expect to paint, before parking.

Assuming the weather holds, plan to bring your lunch and a chair, and we can relax and extend our visit to this delightful spot by the Lieutenant River, while we peruse our work of the morning. If you forget to bring lunch, I’m pretty sure you still can pick up some take-out at Café Flo.
If you wish to stay and visit the museum after our lunch, admission is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors; free for members. The current exhibit is called Animal/Vegetable/Mineral: An Artist’s Guide to the World. They say it includes some of the best-known works from the Museum’s permanent collection displayed alongside recent works by contemporary artists. The exhibition takes both its name and organizing principle from a children’s game that presumes the whole of the world can be neatly divided into three categories—the animal, the vegetable, and the mineral.

Directions below.

I hope to see you there.
Heading north/east on I-95, (from Guilford go 18.7 miles) take Exit 70 (US-1 N - CT 156 W). Turn left onto CT 156 W/ US-1 N -- Shore Road. Go 0.2 mi. Take the first right onto US-1 N -- Halls Road. Go 0.7 mi. Turn left onto US-1 N - Lyme Street. The Museum will be I think the second drive on your left.

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