I will be unavailable for the month of May, so am including our remaining dates in this post. I'm sure the damp April weather will change to sunshine in May and bring you all out to paint en plein air very soon:
May 4: Clinton Landing (Town Hall)
May 11: West Wharf Beach, Madison
May 18: Neck Road Boat Launch, Madison
May 25: Young's Pond Park, Branford
June 1: Trolley Road, Guilford
(Further schedule to come.)
Since I will not be sending regular calls to paint each week in May, please take it as done. You will find directions to the locations on our blog at http://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/ in the right-hand column. One can sign up to follow the blog by email there as well - do please pass this on to other interested painters.
Last Thursday at Bauer Farm Park in Madison, the weather started off with drizzle and gradually cleared up. Betsey and I were the only painters and we both had a most enjoyable morning. The farm is particularly lovely at this time of the year, trees barely showing color so you can see further than in deep summer. Loads of birds, some children doing nature study, dog walkers, and a few community gardeners getting their plots ready for the growing season.
I sat under the gate of my station wagon; watercolor doesn't respond well to drizzle. Betsey worked in oil (and a raincoat) so appeared oblivious to weather.
Happy May painting to everyone!