Hammonasset, Friday, November 18, 2016
Well, the weather could not have been more perfect. Three of us (Claudia, Candace, and I) painted on and by the boardwalk entrance to the Shoreline Greenway Trail. It was extremely warm in the sun. Plenty of trail walkers and bikers, stopping to see us paint. Betsey stopped by to visit on her way home from painting on the Guilford Green.
Notice to all: the campground is officially closed for the winter and that means the campground visitor parking was blocked off. So we had to leave the park and drive to the Greenway Trail parking lot on route 1 (just a bit east of the route 1 intersection). It was a longer walk but worth it.
Don’t be fooled by Candace’s painting. That scene is not at Hammonasset. She wasn’t motivated by where she was seated so she painted a scene from her phone, East Rock from Edgerton Park in New Haven. But when we were leaving and the tidal waters had flooded the marshland, she was struck by how beautiful it was. So next time, and when it’s high tide, she won’t have to rely on her camera for her subject.
(P.S., Sally chose an extra day to paint, based on the forecast of a warm sunny day.)
Monday, November 21, 2016
Guilford Green, November 17, 2016
Betsey, Jay, Denise, Patty Meglio, Marlu, and I painted at various spots around the green while Joan McP painted in that delightfully interesting alleyway by the Marketplace. The sun warmed the day but the wind picked up stronger than forecast which kept a chill in the air and those who painted in the shade felt that chill.
The last 4 paintings are Marlu’s, one which she started today but the last three are from plein air outings this summer that she wanted to share.
It was wonderful being out painting again and enjoying the camaraderie at lunch.
From now on I’ll try to choose the warmest day of the week and see if we can squeeze in a few more paint outs before the end of the year.

Betsey, Jay, Denise, Patty Meglio, Marlu, and I painted at various spots around the green while Joan McP painted in that delightfully interesting alleyway by the Marketplace. The sun warmed the day but the wind picked up stronger than forecast which kept a chill in the air and those who painted in the shade felt that chill.
The last 4 paintings are Marlu’s, one which she started today but the last three are from plein air outings this summer that she wanted to share.
It was wonderful being out painting again and enjoying the camaraderie at lunch.
From now on I’ll try to choose the warmest day of the week and see if we can squeeze in a few more paint outs before the end of the year.

Thursday, September 29, 2016
CTSA Schedule Change! Paint out at Hammonasset, Thurs Oct 6
The schedule I emailed a few days ago has a change for next week!
Paint out next week, Thurs Oct 6, will be at Hammonasset State Park, Meigs Point, changed from Chatfield Hollow Park in Killingworth. I heard that, out of season, this park does not allow cars past the roadside parking lot. Visitors may walk in, but that is really too far to haul painting gear.The updated schedule is now:
October 6 - Hammonassett State Park, Meigs Point, Madison (changed from Chatfield Hollow State Park, Killingworth)
October 13 - Bauer Farm, Madison
October 20 - Clinton Town Beach
October 27 - Medad Stone Tavern, Guilford
November 3 - Clinton Landing (Town Hall)
November 10 - Dudley Farm, Guilford
November 17 - Guilford Green
November 24 (Thanksgiving Day) - Branford Green
December 1 - Henry Whitfield State Museum, Guilford
December 8 - Hammonassett State Park, Meigs Point, Madison
Please make a note of the venues. I remind you that I will be away and you will not be receiving regular blog posts (CTSA's blog is on auto-pilot!). The schedule and directions are, as usual, on the blog at http://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Important Post! Upcoming Locations, etc.
Last Thursday, seven painters were at Chaffinch Island Park in Guilford: Ed, Betsey, Polly, Rosanne, Kate, George, and Veronica. It couldn't have been a better day - sunlight sparkling on the sea, a little breeze, a few leaves falling, fresh and lovely. Photos at the bottom of this post.
Paint-Out Announcement: Coming up this Thursday, Sept 29, we'll paint at the Madison Surf Club; directions on the blog in the right-hand column http://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/.
Important Note: the blog will be on auto-pilot from October 6 till the end of 2016, unless someone would like to take over sending out posts [if you would like to do so, please email Veronica at veronicadotsoellatgmaildotcom before Oct 1]. This means that you will not be receiving regular blog posts by email announcing and reporting paint-outs, but the list of dates and locations is on the blog, and below, and so if you go out, you may well find other CTSA painters there as well. And if you have photos or announcements to share, you can send them to me after October 18 and I'll be happy to post them on the blog. I just won't usually be painting outdoors myself.
I wish you all a happy fall, plein air painting!
September 29 - Madison Surf Club
October 6 - Chatfield Hollow State Park, Killingworth
October 13 - Bauer Farm, Madison
October 20 - Clinton Town Beach
October 27 - Medad Stone Tavern, Guilford
November 3 - Clinton Landing (Town Hall)
November 10 - Dudley Farm, Guilford
November 17 - Guilford Green
November 24 (Thanksgiving Day) - Branford Green
December 1 - Henry Whitfield State Museum, Guilford
December 8 -Hammonassett State Park, Meigs Point, Madison
Photos from Chaffinch Island Park, Guilford, Thurs Sept 22, 2016
Last Thursday, seven painters were at Chaffinch Island Park in Guilford: Ed, Betsey, Polly, Rosanne, Kate, George, and Veronica. It couldn't have been a better day - sunlight sparkling on the sea, a little breeze, a few leaves falling, fresh and lovely. Photos at the bottom of this post.
Paint-Out Announcement: Coming up this Thursday, Sept 29, we'll paint at the Madison Surf Club; directions on the blog in the right-hand column http://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/.
Important Note: the blog will be on auto-pilot from October 6 till the end of 2016, unless someone would like to take over sending out posts [if you would like to do so, please email Veronica at veronicadotsoellatgmaildotcom before Oct 1]. This means that you will not be receiving regular blog posts by email announcing and reporting paint-outs, but the list of dates and locations is on the blog, and below, and so if you go out, you may well find other CTSA painters there as well. And if you have photos or announcements to share, you can send them to me after October 18 and I'll be happy to post them on the blog. I just won't usually be painting outdoors myself.
I wish you all a happy fall, plein air painting!
September 29 - Madison Surf Club
October 6 - Chatfield Hollow State Park, Killingworth
October 13 - Bauer Farm, Madison
October 20 - Clinton Town Beach
October 27 - Medad Stone Tavern, Guilford
November 3 - Clinton Landing (Town Hall)
November 10 - Dudley Farm, Guilford
November 17 - Guilford Green
November 24 (Thanksgiving Day) - Branford Green
December 1 - Henry Whitfield State Museum, Guilford
December 8 -Hammonassett State Park, Meigs Point, Madison
Photos from Chaffinch Island Park, Guilford, Thurs Sept 22, 2016
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
GAL Juror Critique - Thursday, 22 September - 5 to 7 PM
In case you have not yet seen this very nice show, an interesting way to do it would be to attend this event on Thursday evening. Juror, Lenny Moskowitz, will be talking about what criteria he used when he selected the show and will speak on his general ideas about art. It's bound to be a lively, thought-provoking time.
All are welcome - Mill Gallery - Guilford Art Center, Route 77, Guilford
I apologize for the duplication if you're receiving this from both the GAL and CTSA blogs, as well as in the email addressed to members.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Shoreline Greenway Trail Art Opportunity, Sat Oct 1, 9-12
This is to remind everyone that the second annual plein event at the Shoreline Greenway Trail will take place on October 1, from 9-12, at the Hammonasset section of the trail. This walk attracts everyone associated with the Shoreline Greenway Trail and is well attended along with the usual crowd of Saturday morning Greenway Trail walkers.
Please park at the Hammonasset campground visitor parking lot. That’s the immediate right after the ticket booths (which should be closed for the season) and the parking lot is there on your right.
There will be one or two golf carts and drivers in that parking lot available to transport you and your gear to places farther along the Greenway trail.
October, fall, beautiful weather, painters, walkers, dogs. What more could we ask for?
Hope many of you can participate.
Thank you.
Sally Brown
This is to remind everyone that the second annual plein event at the Shoreline Greenway Trail will take place on October 1, from 9-12, at the Hammonasset section of the trail. This walk attracts everyone associated with the Shoreline Greenway Trail and is well attended along with the usual crowd of Saturday morning Greenway Trail walkers.
Please park at the Hammonasset campground visitor parking lot. That’s the immediate right after the ticket booths (which should be closed for the season) and the parking lot is there on your right.
There will be one or two golf carts and drivers in that parking lot available to transport you and your gear to places farther along the Greenway trail.
October, fall, beautiful weather, painters, walkers, dogs. What more could we ask for?
Hope many of you can participate.
Thank you.
Sally Brown
Paint at Chaffinch Island Park, Thurs Sept 22; plus report from last week
On this coming Thursday we will be at Chaffinch Island Park in Guilford from 9 am onwards. Directions on the blog site at ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/ in the right hand column. Tide will be quite low, and the forecast is for sunny, low 80s. Sounds perfect.
Last Thursday, Tom, Patty, George, and Veronica painted at Brewers Bruce & Johnson Marina in Branford. Breezy and beautiful. We had a most pleasant morning. Photos below.
On this coming Thursday we will be at Chaffinch Island Park in Guilford from 9 am onwards. Directions on the blog site at ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/ in the right hand column. Tide will be quite low, and the forecast is for sunny, low 80s. Sounds perfect.
Last Thursday, Tom, Patty, George, and Veronica painted at Brewers Bruce & Johnson Marina in Branford. Breezy and beautiful. We had a most pleasant morning. Photos below.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Call to paint, Brewer Bruce & Johnson Marina, Thurs Sept 15, 9 - whenever
It should be a good day to paint - sunny, 75 degrees. The gazebo by the water offers shade, tables, and good views. Bring lunch if you like.
Directions, as usual, in the right-hand column at the blog site, https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/. The address is 145 South Montowese Street, Branford.
See you there,
It should be a good day to paint - sunny, 75 degrees. The gazebo by the water offers shade, tables, and good views. Bring lunch if you like.
Directions, as usual, in the right-hand column at the blog site, https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/. The address is 145 South Montowese Street, Branford.
See you there,
Friday, September 9, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Call to Paint, Stony Creek, Thurs Sept 8, & Other Announcements
The weather should be sunny and warm (did I say that about last week, when it rained instead? Blame Intellicast Weather...). As usual find your favorite spot in Stony Creek. I'll be at the gazebo by the beach; now that school has started we should have a peaceful morning this time, no hyperactive summer campers.
Sally has a couple of announcements:
Figure Drawing Classes
Last spring there was much interest from members of the CTSA plein air group when Candace and I organized a daytime figure drawing class at Branford Art Center. There will be an ongoing figure drawing/painting studio every Tuesday evening, 6:30-8:30, beginning Sept 13. Bring your own materials. Cost is $15/session. Location is Branford Art Center, 1229 Main St, Branford. For more information, contact Yvonne Gordon-Moser at 860-334-4642 or 1229bacgalleryatgmaildotcom.
October Art Festival
Also, there are still four spaces available to show and sell your art for the October Art Festival on the Branford Green under the Big Tent. It takes place on Saturday, Oct 8, from 9AM-3PM. A popular jazz band plays for our entertainment and there will be several food vendors. Last year was the first event and it drew a large crowd with many sales. Spaces (10 x 10 ft) are $60 and tables can be rented for $8 each. For more information, contact Yvonne Gordon-Moser at 860-334-4642 or 1229bacgalleryatgmaildotcom.
See you on Thursday,
The weather should be sunny and warm (did I say that about last week, when it rained instead? Blame Intellicast Weather...). As usual find your favorite spot in Stony Creek. I'll be at the gazebo by the beach; now that school has started we should have a peaceful morning this time, no hyperactive summer campers.
Sally has a couple of announcements:
Figure Drawing Classes
Last spring there was much interest from members of the CTSA plein air group when Candace and I organized a daytime figure drawing class at Branford Art Center. There will be an ongoing figure drawing/painting studio every Tuesday evening, 6:30-8:30, beginning Sept 13. Bring your own materials. Cost is $15/session. Location is Branford Art Center, 1229 Main St, Branford. For more information, contact Yvonne Gordon-Moser at 860-334-4642 or 1229bacgalleryatgmaildotcom.
October Art Festival
Also, there are still four spaces available to show and sell your art for the October Art Festival on the Branford Green under the Big Tent. It takes place on Saturday, Oct 8, from 9AM-3PM. A popular jazz band plays for our entertainment and there will be several food vendors. Last year was the first event and it drew a large crowd with many sales. Spaces (10 x 10 ft) are $60 and tables can be rented for $8 each. For more information, contact Yvonne Gordon-Moser at 860-334-4642 or 1229bacgalleryatgmaildotcom.
See you on Thursday,
Monday, August 29, 2016
Call to Paint, Guilford Green, Thurs Sept 1, 9 to whenever
Cooler weather - only 79 degrees! Partly cloudy. On the Guilford Green, you can paint the trees and walkways, the Civil War statue, and any number of stores, restaurants, churches, and other interesting buildings.
Directions as usual on the blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com
Hope to see you there.
Cooler weather - only 79 degrees! Partly cloudy. On the Guilford Green, you can paint the trees and walkways, the Civil War statue, and any number of stores, restaurants, churches, and other interesting buildings.
Directions as usual on the blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com
Hope to see you there.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Florence Griswold Museum, Thurs Aug 25
A beautiful day with sunshine and a cool breeze off the river. Tom, Cheryl, Betsy, Pam, Patty, Sandy W, and Veronica painted today. Photos below will give you a taste of our morning.
Next week we will be on the Guilford Green. Directions at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com.
A beautiful day with sunshine and a cool breeze off the river. Tom, Cheryl, Betsy, Pam, Patty, Sandy W, and Veronica painted today. Photos below will give you a taste of our morning.
Next week we will be on the Guilford Green. Directions at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com.
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