Hi, everyone,
It's getting too cold for me to venture out en plein air, so I'm reminding you here of the November paint-out locations - but it is unlikely I'll be there unless we have an indian summer.
November 7: Birbarie Marine Boatyard, Branford
November 14: Chaffinch Island, Guilford
November 21: Clinton Landing, Clinton
November 29: Essex Park, Essex (this is Friday not Thursday, Thanksgiving)
Directions as usual on our blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/p/directions-to-venues.html
If any of you paint out and would like me to post your painting and/or the location on the blog, please email me photos at veronicadotsoell@gmaildotcom. I'll be happy to post them.
I didn't make it to Branford last week so no photos.
In case you haven't heard, there is an exhibition of watercolors by JMW Turner from the Tate London at Mystic Seaport. https://www.mysticseaport.org/turner/. I believe this is the first time these works have been allowed to come to the USA. It will be there until Feb 23.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019
Paint Out in Branford, Thurs Oct 31
Our destination this Thursday will be Foote Memorial Park in Branford, directions as usual on our blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/p/directions-to-venues.html. The forecast isn't promising, but who knows? Maybe we'll get to paint...
Last Thursday was a beautiful day, sunny and breezy. We were at Great Island Boat Launch in Old Lyme. Diana, Beverly, Paul, Veronica, and Pam wrapped up warmly and enjoyed this lovely spot. As we worked, the owner of the moored sailboat arrived towing his dinghy, rowed out to his sailboat, rigged it and sailed away! Fortunately, those painting the sailboat had already captured the needed information (partially finished paintings below).
Last Thursday was a beautiful day, sunny and breezy. We were at Great Island Boat Launch in Old Lyme. Diana, Beverly, Paul, Veronica, and Pam wrapped up warmly and enjoyed this lovely spot. As we worked, the owner of the moored sailboat arrived towing his dinghy, rowed out to his sailboat, rigged it and sailed away! Fortunately, those painting the sailboat had already captured the needed information (partially finished paintings below).
Monday, October 21, 2019
Paint Out in Old Lyme on Thurs Oct 24
This week our destination is Great Island Boat Launch in Old Lyme. Directions as usual on our blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/. My recent attempts at finding a promising forecast for our Thursdays have been totally unsuccessful. But, this week, the Weather Channel promises 60 degrees, sunny, and no rain. Don't hold me to it, but it does look great. See you in Old Lyme.
Last week at Maynard's Farm Stand in Old Saybrook, it was extremely windy, still part of the nor'easter; I didn't see any painters and it was too windy for me to stay and paint, but I must say it is a very appealing spot. I took this photo so we can all see what we missed!
Last week at Maynard's Farm Stand in Old Saybrook, it was extremely windy, still part of the nor'easter; I didn't see any painters and it was too windy for me to stay and paint, but I must say it is a very appealing spot. I took this photo so we can all see what we missed!
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Paint Out Thurs Oct 17 in Old Saybrook
This week we will be at Maynard's Farm Stand and Oyster River in Old Saybrook. Directions as usual at our blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/ in the right-hand column. I haven't been there yet so have no photos for you. The weather is forecast to be windy and cool but maybe I'll get there this time. My new issue of Watercolor Artist magazine features an article Paint Outside (Even in Winter); the artist is Shari Blaukopf who lives in Montreal. Well, it will be chilly on Thursday but it isn't Montreal...
Since I have no photos from Maynard's Farm Stand, here's a gorgeous recent watercolor painting of chickens at Dudley Farm by one of our fellow CTSA painters.
Since I have no photos from Maynard's Farm Stand, here's a gorgeous recent watercolor painting of chickens at Dudley Farm by one of our fellow CTSA painters.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Paint Out at Bauer Farm Park in Madison, Thurs October 10
Let's hope the weather is better on Thursday than it was last week. I didn't go out in the chilly rain and imagine not too many others did either. This week we'll be back at Bauer Farm where the fall colors must be in full swing. Pond, gazebo, bridge, fields, woods, community gardens, and farm house with barns. Lots to paint. These photos are from previous visits. Directions as usual on our blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/.
Hope to see you there.
Hope to see you there.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Paint Out Thurs Oct 3 in Old Saybrook
This week we paint at Gardiner's Landing and Park in Old Saybrook. Directions as usual on our blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/p/directions-to-venues.html.
Last week at Mercy Center, I was unable to be there but I received this delightful sketch to post on the blog (thank you!).
Last week at Mercy Center, I was unable to be there but I received this delightful sketch to post on the blog (thank you!).
Monday, September 23, 2019
Paint Out Thurs Sept 26 at Mercy Center, Madison
Weather should be nice on Thursday at Mercy Center. Directions on our blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/p/directions-to-venues.html as usual. Please check in at the front desk before you settle down to paint.
The Center has a lovely beach and rocks shore position, calm lawn and trees, interesting greenhouse, and gazebo. I can't come on Thursday but I will picture painters at the Center.
Last week at Old Saybrook was gorgeous. The beach and marina near Tom's house are stunning, one of the best locations yet. Although it is a private association, we were allowed to park and paint. Thanks, Tom! Then we gathered at his picnic table for lunch. A lovely occasion. Cheryl, Beverly, Tom, John, Betsey, Pam, Veronica, and Ed were there.
The Center has a lovely beach and rocks shore position, calm lawn and trees, interesting greenhouse, and gazebo. I can't come on Thursday but I will picture painters at the Center.
Last week at Old Saybrook was gorgeous. The beach and marina near Tom's house are stunning, one of the best locations yet. Although it is a private association, we were allowed to park and paint. Thanks, Tom! Then we gathered at his picnic table for lunch. A lovely occasion. Cheryl, Beverly, Tom, John, Betsey, Pam, Veronica, and Ed were there.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Paint out and picnic at Tom's house
On Thursday this week, Sept 19, we plan to paint at Tom and Diane Mayer's home at 30 Uncas Trail in Old Saybrook. Directions to their house are on our blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/; click on Directions to Venues in the right-hand column. Bring your own picnic lunch and we'll eat together around noon. Thank you, Tom, for your kind invitation!
Last Thursday was a grey showery day. Nobody showed up to paint at the Guilford Docks (hardly anyone showed up there to do anything at all as far as I could see when I checked it out!).
But a friend and I took in the Essex Art Association's annual show and also the Lyme Art Association's show on Friday afternoon. Both were stunning and well worth the drive. At least one of our CTSA painters is represented in both shows, and she won second prize at Lyme! Fantastic!
Hope to see you at Tom's on Thursday.
Last Thursday was a grey showery day. Nobody showed up to paint at the Guilford Docks (hardly anyone showed up there to do anything at all as far as I could see when I checked it out!).
But a friend and I took in the Essex Art Association's annual show and also the Lyme Art Association's show on Friday afternoon. Both were stunning and well worth the drive. At least one of our CTSA painters is represented in both shows, and she won second prize at Lyme! Fantastic!
Hope to see you at Tom's on Thursday.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Invitation to paint with our group for the fall, indoors or out at Dudley Farm
Rosemary Baggish tells me that there are still a few spots available for fall painting at Dudley. Tuesday mornings from 9 to 12.30 from September 10 through November 12th; the cost will depend on how many people sign up - around $50 per person for the remaining nine sessions. We've done this for several years now. The Munger Barn is used for functions such as weddings, and has everything we need - tables, good lighting, heat, etc. Of course, when the weather is good, we can paint outside as we wish. Each painter works on whatever he or she likes and we enjoy the opportunity to get together with other painters. Contact Rosemary at rbaggish at gmail dot com.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Paint Out Thurs Sept 12 Guilford Town Docks
We return to the Guilford Town Docks and Marina this week - in the spring it was too early, too few boats to paint, and very cold and windy. But now that area is lively and interesting. Directions as usual on our blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/. See you there,
Last week at the Indian River in Clinton, six painters showed up and enjoyed the views of the bridges on a sunny day. They were Betsey, Pam, Tom, Maura, Veronica, and Candace.
Last week at the Indian River in Clinton, six painters showed up and enjoyed the views of the bridges on a sunny day. They were Betsey, Pam, Tom, Maura, Veronica, and Candace.
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Paint Out at Clinton, Indian River, Thurs Sept 5
This week we'll be at the Clinton Parking Lot at Indian River. Directions as usual at our blog, https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/p/directions-to-venues.html. This destination is new to me so I look forward to seeing it. Tom has chosen great locations for painting this year. See you at Indian River.
Last week at Founders Park in Old Saybrook was lovely although hot. There were beautiful views out over the river, the marshes, the harbor, all the way to the Sound. Kay, Dodie, Keiko, and Veronica painted, and Tom came by to say hello. This week's temperatures are much cooler - feels like fall.
Last week at Founders Park in Old Saybrook was lovely although hot. There were beautiful views out over the river, the marshes, the harbor, all the way to the Sound. Kay, Dodie, Keiko, and Veronica painted, and Tom came by to say hello. This week's temperatures are much cooler - feels like fall.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Paint Out at Founders Memorial Park, Old Saybrook, Thurs August 29
The last Thursday in August is coming up this week, and the temperature should be more seasonable than the last few days, though I found the recent cool weather to be a relief. I don't think I've been to Founders Memorial Park so have no photos to show you. I'm looking forward to getting to know it and hope to see you there. Directions as usual at our blog, https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/p/directions-to-venues.html.
Last week at Hammonasset was a bit dull to start with but some amazing clouds appeared in the late morning. John, Betsey, Tom and Veronica were the only regulars, though I also saw two of our Madison painters over the other side of the parking area from the marsh, near the Nature Center.
Last week at Hammonasset was a bit dull to start with but some amazing clouds appeared in the late morning. John, Betsey, Tom and Veronica were the only regulars, though I also saw two of our Madison painters over the other side of the parking area from the marsh, near the Nature Center.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Paint Out Thurs Aug 22 at Hammonassett, Madison
Our next paint out will be at Hammonassett State Park in Madison; directions as usual on our blog at https://ctsa-guilford.blogspot.com/p/directions-to-venues.html. Note that we will paint at the salt marsh to the right of the Nature Center. Big skies, marsh colors, sea on the horizon.

Last week at Dudley Farm, we had eight painters: Tom, Betsey, Pam, Keiko, Veronica, Candace, John, and Kay. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed painting the house, chicken coop, woods, or barns. The people at the Dudley Farm Museum have finished their lengthy plan to rebuild the barns and will remove the remaining building materials within the next few weeks. I am impressed at how well they rebuilt the barns to look the same as they used to, and now they are safe and ready for the decades to come (and as beautiful as ever for painters).

Last week at Dudley Farm, we had eight painters: Tom, Betsey, Pam, Keiko, Veronica, Candace, John, and Kay. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed painting the house, chicken coop, woods, or barns. The people at the Dudley Farm Museum have finished their lengthy plan to rebuild the barns and will remove the remaining building materials within the next few weeks. I am impressed at how well they rebuilt the barns to look the same as they used to, and now they are safe and ready for the decades to come (and as beautiful as ever for painters).

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